Tuesday, January 5, 2010

some thoughts on the master cleanse: please be over soon. not that it tastes bad. it's quite pleasant actually. my skin looks wonderful, my eyes are so very white and bright. i even think "the gut" has gone down quite a bit.
however...i really can't wait to cook again! i have discovered that i spent A LOT of time thinking about food, reading about food, shopping for food, cooking food. really a lot because they only thing i can think to do this week is iron. really. i hate to iron...but have been ironing my linens for two days now! next will be stain removal and maybe dying that boring white tablecloth purple. oh, and i cleaned out the pantry and cupboards. and rearranged my plates and platters.
so.......i'm looking forward to saturday when i can make a heaping pot full of vegetable soup...and eat again!

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