Wednesday, January 20, 2010

rain. hail. thunder and lightening. there is some weather going on in california. we've been like a couple of old folks...reading our books by the fire. soup on the stove. if i wasn't feeling so lazy i'd bake some bread.
tonight we'll settle in with our bowls full and be thankful for all we have. i've been so unsettled by the news of the world...that i've decided to do a "news fast". i've been easing into it since the new year when i gave up a couple of my favorite news sources. it's just too much. especially the comments on some sites. really, am i better off knowing the opinion of some asshole i don't even know?? i think not. it didn't used to be this way, but i'm done.
i'm going for the positive this year. where ever i can find it.
so right now i'm happy for the rain we so need here. and the soup on my stove.

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