Thursday, June 25, 2009 may not seem like much. maybe enough for a little early summer stew?? i've got carrots, onions, chard and a few green (and purple!) beans. and some pesto. my basil plants are producing like mad...really the best thing going in the garden right now. i think i'll saute my bounty up and serve it on homemade sourdough bread. and feel like some big-time farm gal.

Monday, June 15, 2009

whoa. what a haul. they are fabulous grilled. and raw in salad. what to do with the rest? i think i'm going to do some pickled onions, and also carmelized onion and thyme butter. because i have thyme coming out of my ears, as well. onions are so very easy to grow...why did i wait so long?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

what to do with all the beautiful fruit at the farmers market?? i'm not really a dessert girl, and i've made WAY too much jam the last couple of years. so how about i soak them in brandy? i tried it with pears last fall and it was a BIG hit at here we go with the cherries. could this be any easier?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

from the looks of this blog and my flickr would think that i only eat salads and bread! but when you arrive home from vacation and find that your lettuces and carrots have gone crazy, you make salad. add some pasta alio, aglio con pignoli and you've got dinner. oh, and don't forget the vino.