Tuesday, May 19, 2009

baking bread here at the lake is a whole other experience. i knead the dough outside on the deck because it offers more room to move and is less messy. so while i knead away the baby geese float by. the tree swallows eat the bugs on the lake and steal twigs from the canadians nest. i leave the dough to rise on the picnic table. later when i divide the dough an osprey soars over head. when i set the loaves out to cool i finally identify that crazy looking bird as a horned grebe. check it off in my bird book. later we enjoy some toasted cheese bread on the dock. and look for more birds. birds and bread. my favorite things.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

after receiving the cheese board collective cookbook (thanks tutti foodie!) i had to make pizza for dinner. i used my regular crust recipe since theirs involves sourdough starter. and i didn't want to eat that pizza at 3 in the morning. i roasted mushrooms for a topping. WAY better than sauteed. just slice some up, toss with olive oil and black pepper and roast at 450 degrees for about 10 minutes. i used crimini...but a mix of wild mushrooms would be wonderful.

Monday, May 4, 2009

my favas are just started to flower. by the time we get back from idaho at the end of the month i hope my plants are loaded with beautiful pods. i can serve them cooked with homemade pasta...or raw with pecorino. and most of all i want to make the fava frittata i had in puglia last year. only a southern italian women can make fava puree and stale bread into the most delightful thing in the world.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

i imagine if this bread baking craze keeps up i'm due to gain about 10 pds. especially if i grill it with some good cheese and add some avocado. but wait??? isn't avocado good for me?