Saturday, October 31, 2009

last week-end we went up to santa rosa to harvest grapes. our first time. i always thought i would do this with friends in italy...but no, we were just across the golden gate bridge. with people we went to grammar school with.
it was so peaceful walking down the rows of vines, cutting perfect little clusters of grapes. just us and the bees. afterwards we had a perfect dinner with homemade pesto, chard just picked from the garden. and of course some of that local red. i love evenings like that...when i find a "kindred spirit" who feels the same way i do about food. who actually THINKS where it all comes from.

i was looking back over my earlier posts...mostly so i don't repeat myself. i was very surprised to find comments. people actually READ my blathering on about nothing! thanks very much and i promise to be more interesting in the future.

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