Friday, July 31, 2009

only a few more weeks until quillisascut farm school. i can't believe it's almost here, and that i'm really going. i've been reading "chefs on the farm" in preparation. no, i don't think there will be a test! can't wait for it all...working the fields, cheesemaking, milking the goats. since the school is attended by chefs and people in the food "biz", i'll be cooking with them as well.
we'll be doing wild food walks, making bread and canning. sounds so romantic to me...but this is a real working farm. the day starts at 5.30 and ends??? can't wait to see.

Friday, July 24, 2009

girasole! i fussed over the seed for so many months, and finally, i think we have a flower. i start the seeds for my summer plants WAY too early. remind me that next year when i'm planting sunflower and cucumber seeds in JANUARY. please.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

wow. this thing just kind of made itself. sometimes i think i should just forget about the cookbooks and grocery lists. the best things for me happen when i will myself to stay home, not run to the farm stand or grocery store and just make something with what's on hand. at the lake it's easy...once you drive back down that long road from town, forget it. there's no going back. i'm doing better...maybe thinking i'm that nonna in southern italy who has to make dinner, make it quick with whatever she's got.
how the heck else do you think we got bruschetta, meatballs and panzanella???

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

strawberry, balsamic and black pepper jam. my jam NEVER sets up properly because i don't add all the sugar most recipes call for. i was going for a sauce serve over ice cream. i substituted lemon juice for the pectin and got the firmest jam ever. i'm thinking crostini, goat cheese and jam.
i'm trying out some recipes from "well-preserved" by eugenia bone. wonderful stuff with a slight italian twist. happy summer.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

cin cin. that's cherry brandy and berry vodka. and a happy finish to a lovely summers night.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

i thought i planted broccoli...but it turns out to be romanesco. okay. no problem. but now i can't make fun of my cousin who complained that his pea pods had "fuzz" on them. his sweet peas. he didn't know he planted flowers instead of vegetables. at least my boo boo is edible.