Wednesday, January 26, 2011

oh, boy. that's ours. not the snowmobile...and NO, he can't have one. but this place is ours. and i kind of really do not believe it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 came and went and i didn't really keep good track of it. so, let's remember.
i kind of fell out of love with cooking. there were many things i wanted to try...but being a vegetarian and cooking for a carnivore had gotten on my nerves. solution for 2011??? he's just going to eat like a vegetarian more. and that's that.
i did learn how to crochet, which i love. this year i hope to improve and not have everything fall apart! it's doable.
i didn't garden as much as i usually do. i was gone a lot and we didn't really have a summer. i vow to get out there and plant, plant, plant this year.
i didn't read very much, if you don't count cookbooks! since i went ahead and cancelled the cable we both have more books in our future.
here's to a wonderful, happy, joyful year! i promise to be better. and more engaged.