Wednesday, October 27, 2010

3. carciofi alla romana. soooo good. my sister goes for the carciofi alla giudia...but the romana is my favorite. the ones they serve at edy, in rome, are the best!

Monday, October 11, 2010

2. i love the trees along the tiber. especially in fall. the tiber itself is beautiful to me. it isn't very clean looking and i probably wouldn't want to swim in it (!), but there is something mysterious and wonderful about it. i like to imagine what life was like, before those trees, and before the walls, when the people of rome would walk to the river to plant their gardens.
i love to walk that river, crunching the leaves beneath my shoes...and watching the changing light.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

20 things i love about italy.
1. i love hearing the sounds of lunch (or dinner for that matter) being prepared. i love walking down a little street and hearing clinking glasses. the sounds of silverware and plates being collected. maybe a pot being banged around a bit.
it is such a comforting feeling.....that somewhere, someone is taking care, preparing a meal and sitting down with to share.
i won't even get into the smells........