Friday, February 26, 2010

2:100 meals...a cup of gypsy cold care tea for breakfast. mild sniffles. a storm coming. it seems like a perfect day to stay inside.
i can sit here with my tea and watch the wrens starting to make a nest in a birdhouse right outside my kitchen window. the finches, robins and juncos are making their usual mess in the front...but these wrens only come once a year. to build a nest and hatch their eggs.
yes, a perfect day for tea.

Friday, February 12, 2010

1:100 meals.... tea at julies.
well...there was more wine consumed than tea...but you get the point. beet and spinach salad, freshly baked bread with butter, salt and radishes. and wonderful, wonderful desserts.
talk of photography, travel and food. i always fill up with more than food when i visit with julie. i come home filled with ideas and inspiration...let's re-arrange some furniture, slap on some paint somewhere and bake a cake.
thank you funny friend....for a lovely friday afternoon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

when my mother-in-law cleans out her cupboards, i get the coolest things. blue willow china, old black and white photographs of san francisco, vintage silverware. good stuff. my latest gifts are these old cookbooks. they are great fun to browse through. i'm currently reading (not pictured) "bohemian san francisco". it's almost 100 years old and quite the hoot. it's about restaurant life in san francisco pre and post the 1906 earthquake.
so far i've learned that mexicans are dirty and can not make good soup. who knew? and it was quite fashionable in restaurants serving southern food to have "darkeys" playing music during dinner service. different times, indeed.
i've been thinking it would be fun to check out the addresses of these old restaurants, book in hand, and see what is going on there now.

Monday, February 1, 2010

i've finally decided on my subject for my "100 photos" flickr project. 100 meals. because i need more flowers and candlelight in my life.