Wednesday, November 25, 2009

i just looked up and there it was. another sign. the holidays are upon us. i vow to be calm throughout. i vow to not set foot in a mall (etsy we love you). to buy as much hand-crafted as possible. i vow to finally buy that couch and love seat so that my family will have somewhere to sit on christmas. i promise that every year but, whatever.
i promise to ENJOY.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

this stuff is not easy. for me. everywhere i look people are knitting and crocheting and sewing up a storm. i, however, am pathetic at it all.
my fingers do not seem to work properly. and it doesn't make any sense to me. this stitch. that stitch. it just looks like a big wad of yarn.
simple little dish rags. that's all i was after. so. not. simple.
after i make some more attempts to torture this yarn into something...i vow to finally, finally accept the fact that i am not well suited to this kind of thing.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

i have been on a roll lately, cleaning out bookcases, linen closets, drawers and cupboards. feels really good. i don't know how i accumulate all this stuff...really i don't.
i did a GREAT purge today, going through all my "craft/crap" drawers and really being brutal. felt grand. and look. i unearthed the christmas ribbons and gee-gaws. remember? it's just around the corner?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i am a bad, bad birder. i love to bird watch...but i'm horrible at it. i constantly forget the names of birds i see. or i'll run home so excited about the new, fantastic bird i just saw, only to find out it's a "common" whatever and i've seen it before. lots of times.
no matter. watching those birds makes me happy. i always slow down on my walks to watch them. always notice the rustling in the trees around my house. always notice the seasonal comings and goings.
today was just a regular old day. nothing special. except for the two huge red-shouldered hawks that flew right by me on my daily walk. and the ruby-crowned kinglet that was pecking around in the tree right outside my kitchen.
not too bad for this bad birder.

Monday, November 9, 2009

don't panic. this little guy rolled off a shelf while i was putting the halloween decorations away. is it an omen? i had to run through the mall a couple of weeks ago and the christmas decorations were already up. trees and everything. so....i'm pretty sure christmas is like, tomorrow. and i'm unprepared. and totally without inspiration.
i will not panic. something will come to me. and hopefully not on december 23. i'll keep you posted...............