Tuesday, March 31, 2009

sunday i made a tasty vegetarian bolognese. carrots, onions, garlic and porcini mushrooms sauteed. i added some homemade sugo and a bit of the water that i soaked the mushrooms in. if only i had some fresh parsley to sprinkle on top...it would have been good enough to photo! even so, topped with pecorino, it was very yummy.

Monday, March 30, 2009

we'll start with my pantry. i must have pasta on hand at all times. getting low on pasta makes me nervous. and the porcini "dado". if i'm running out of those someone has to go to italy...because you just can't find them here. and don't even get me started on my arrabiatta spice from rome!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

okay...here's where i give this blog stuff a try. i promise to try to be interesting so i'll have something worthwhile to write about.